# If you have a multicore machine, all cores will be used # If you have installed DBus-Glib comment out this line: ac_add_options --disable-dbus # If you have installed dbus-glib, and you have installed (or will install) # wireless-tools, and you wish to use geolocation web services, comment out # this line ac_add_options --disable-necko-wifi # Uncomment these lines if you have installed optional dependencies: #ac_add_options --enable-system-hunspell ac_add_options --enable-startup-notification # Uncomment the following option if you have not installed PulseAudio #ac_add_options --disable-pulseaudio # and uncomment this if you installed alsa-lib instead of PulseAudio ac_add_options --enable-alsa # Comment out following option if you have gconf installed ac_add_options --disable-gconf # Comment out following options if you have not installed # recommended dependencies: ac_add_options --with-system-icu ac_add_options --with-system-libevent ac_add_options --with-system-nspr ac_add_options --with-system-nss ac_add_options --with-system-webp # Disabling debug symbols makes the build much smaller and a little # faster. Comment this if you need to run a debugger. Note: This is # required for compilation on i686. ac_add_options --disable-debug-symbols # The elf-hack is reported to cause failed installs (after successful builds) # on some machines. It is supposed to improve startup time and it shrinks # libxul.so by a few MB - comment this if you know your machine is not affected. ac_add_options --disable-elf-hack # Seamonkey has some additional features that are not turned on by default, # such as an IRC client, calendar, and DOM Inspector. The DOM Inspector # aids with designing web pages. Comment these options if you do not # desire these features. #ac_add_options --enable-calendar #ac_add_options --enable-dominspector #ac_add_options --enable-irc # The BLFS editors recommend not changing anything below this line: ac_add_options --prefix=/usr/local ac_add_options --enable-application=comm/suite ac_add_options --disable-crashreporter ac_add_options --disable-updater ac_add_options --disable-tests # rust-simd does not compile with recent versions of rust. # It is disabled in recent versions of firefox ac_add_options --disable-rust-simd ac_add_options --enable-optimize="-Os" ac_add_options --enable-strip ac_add_options --enable-install-strip ac_add_options --enable-official-branding # The option to use system cairo was removed in 2.53.9. ac_add_options --enable-system-ffi ac_add_options --enable-system-pixman ac_add_options --with-system-bz2 ac_add_options --with-system-jpeg #ac_add_options --with-system-png ac_add_options --with-system-zlib